Global Climate Strike March 3

On March 3rd, Smile For All (SFA) will be joining the global youth-led movement, Fridays for Future, in a strike against fossil finance. The strike will take place on the banks of Padma River located in Koldiar Daularpur Kushtia and in the city of Kushtia.

As a non-profit organization dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of people in need, SFA recognizes the urgent need to end the financing of all fossil fuel projects. This includes the demand for the historically largest emitters/Global North to unconditionally cancel the Global South’s financial debt as well as reparations for Loss and Damage to those most affected by the climate crisis.

SFA joins the global climate justice movement in supporting the fight against fossil fuel projects and amplifying the voices and demands of those impacted by them. The event calls for an end to the financing of all fossil fuel projects and for the cancellation of the Global South’s financial debt and reparations for loss and damage.

Participants in the event will be engaging in grassroots organizing and action against fossil capitalism, including civil disobedience and voting. The goal is to break the influence of fossil fuel corporations, banks, and insurers and to redirect investments towards sustainable projects and renewable energy.

Smile For All is committed to working towards a sustainable future that prioritizes people and the planet over profit.

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